Individual Counseling

 Individual therapy is a very rewarding experience, we all have things that we can improve about ourselves. We believe that throughout our lifespan our experiences good and bad leave an imprint on us and we at times struggle to move forward and be our best self. We delicately but with a straight forward approach help you identify how your past is shaping your present. As your therapist we will help you build the skills needed to find growth, healing and move you to a healthy future. 

 Couples and Marital Counseling

Creating, building and sustaining intimacy and vulnervailty in a relationship is work. Work that doesn’t have to be hard but can come with ease once you have the right tools and foundation in place. Relationships experience constant change and new demands as you and your family grows. Sometimes before you know it your relationship is in trouble, stagnant and you may not have even seen it coming. Some of our couples interventions include creating fun, sustainable ways for you to check in with each other regularly, prioritize dates and intimacy, learn tools for healthy communication that includes learning how to fight with respect and as a team.





Pre Marital Counseling

Congratulations on your engagement! Before you take this huge step its important to ensure a strong foundation and address any unattended concerns before you walk down the isle. Pre marital can be a great way to start off your new adventure.

Teens and Emerging Adults

Teens are under an enormous amount of pressure in todays world. For a parent your raising your children is a society that is different than when your parents raised you which makes what you may have learned about parenting less effective in today’s world. Emerging adults you have a very big world to prepare for we get it. We are not here to tell you what to do, you have enough adults doing that, we want to hear from you, learn about you and plan together for how we can help you address what matters to you the most.